How To Scale As A CTO - Why Course Correction Is Inefficient (Video)

The Scaling CTO Talk at the Wheelhouse CTO Summit at the NASDAQ

I had a great time attending the Wheelhouse CTO Summit held at the NASDAQ a few months ago.

There were a lot of really great talks by some of the top engineering leaders in NY. Here’s one by yours truly:


Some of the topics I cover:

  • Companies at different stages need different skills from successful engineering leaders. (2:30)
  • Everyone knows that as the company grows you’re expected to make the shift from a technical manager to a people’s manager, but what does that mean? (starting at 3:40)
  • What’s the difference between speed and agility, and why are we moving so slowly? (8:45)
  • What is Conway’s law, and how can you use it to your advantage? (12:02)
  • What can architectural patterns teach us about product teams and organizational structures? (12:37)

I Would love to hear your feedback in the comments.

Written by On Freund
VP Engineering at WeWork

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