Inside WeWork's Tech Stack

Last week, our friends at Underdog featured a story about our Tech Stack written by one of our longest tenured Lead Software Developers, Ramin Bozorgzadeh.


Caching External APIs in Rails for a Ginormous Speed Boost

The ability to book tours on is one of our most important sales funnels. We currently use Salesforce as our main manager of tour times and potential leads. Fetching the available tour times from the Salesforce api can take anywhere from 2 to 10 seconds, depending on how hard we’re hitting it. This is clearly not ideal!


Zero-Downtime Deployments with Data Migrations

A few months ago I talked about how to deploy with zero-downtime. I can wait while you read it (TL;DR: Blue-Green deployment is the prevalent pattern. You have two versions of the code running at the same time, and you let traffic to one version die out as new traffic is directed to the other version.)